Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Santa Claus"has "COME" to Town!!!

This past Saturday- The Haynes Family celebrated our first Christmas with the girls! Santa decided he would visit a little early since we will be in and out during Christmas. Here are a few pictures from that WONDERFUL morning. Daddy fixed the us all pancakes for breakfast!!! YUM!!!
Mattie and Hailey loved the yummy breakfast. They are really doing well transitioning to "real" food. I didn't put syrup on the girls pancakes- I mean really??? Who needs that mess!

Let Christmas Morning begin...

The presents ready and waiting!

Mattie and Hailey got the cutest chairs from their Grammy and Pop-Pop. They love to sit in them and look like such BIG girls!!!

Hailey loving her pink truck! One of my favorite friends- Courtney sent the girls these precious CUPCAKE (she knows how much I like CAKE- HAHAH) PJ's. You are the BEST!

OH- SO SO big!!!

Santa gave the girls a Fisher Price doot that does all kinds of things- they have gotten the biggest kick out of crawling in and out, turning lights on and off, and playing with all accessories.

Daddy and Mattie opening presents...

Mommy and Hailey...

The girls and I- what a GREAT day!
We finished up our weekend by heading to Moody Gardens to see the "Festival of Lights". It was a great time to go. I'll post those pictures soon!
Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Those chairs are too cute!!

You look so pretty with the girls in the last pic!

I've always wanted to go to Moody Gardens Festival of lights... I need to add that to my to do list asap