Friday, September 30, 2011

September Date Night!

For Ken and I's 4th anniversary this year I gave him a "monthly date basket". I have planned a date frspecial date night for us for each month that we have left in Galveston. Our first was September!
I originally planned to go to BIG Texas and see Stoney LaRue, but plans changed due to the drive, Ken's work (rounding) schedule, and sitter issues... but the key to any good marriage is FLEXIBILITY- so I changed it up. We had a date night at home: Brownies and Bridesmaids! We put the girls down and spent intentional "date" time together.
Here is the not- telling Ken of the original plans and the changes we made.
Us- on our "home" date!

The brownies were a perfect sweet treat to make this night extra special. I can't wait for our October date- it is out of my comfort zone... should be fun!



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