Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TRI-cylcles- watch out Lance Armstrong!

Monday was a very BIG day at The Haynes house! I had taken the girls to play at their friend IV's house on Saturday- where she had set up a baby Schlitterbahn and also where he had a Y bike- (which is AMAZING- and definitely on the girls Christmas list)! The girls thought it was so fun to ride that bike with help from Liz's boyfriend Matty. Bless his heart juggling 3 babies on one 1 bike and 2 helmets- oh the sharing lessons that occurred. Did I forget to mention he had just had his wisdom teeth out the day before- I was amazed considering I lost 3 days of my life after having mine done to sleeping on the couch...
Mommy and Liz sat happily on the steps- on potty duty! After leaving their house- it was nap time- the entire way home and after nap- Mattie and Hailey kept saying "Mommy, Target? Mommy, bicycle? Mommy, PWEASE!" I mean you had me at "PWEASE!" Unfortunately, Ken was in a MAJOR big surgery on Sunday and I knew he would want to be a part of this big event- so we talked about waiting for Daddy! Ken was thrilled when he got home at (10:30pm) to hear they wanted bicycles- he definitely wanted to go with us. Monday- he was able to cut out early and we headed for Target!

The girls were so excited!!! It was SO SO SO cute! The hardest part was getting them off- to pay. :) Oh the hard lessons in life!Random side note: As we were walking in- I noticed we are getting fresh produce and more grocery's on the island!!! I may never leave again- well until we move that is! :)
Once we got home- we brought the trikes inside since the mosquito's have landed and it was muggy... the girls went all over! This is a great house for kid-os! :) :) :) So open!

All in all- we love our new rides! Watch out Lance- this is where our training begins! Mattie and Hailey can now say- "I have been riding bikes since I was 2!" (Do you like the Tiffani?)

Yes- Katy- there is our potty again... I don't know what I am going to do the day the frog potty disappears from our life. I feel like it is my 3rd child now..... hahahahahaha! Yay for potty trained babies!



Katy K. said...

Thanks for the shout out! I didn't even notice the froggy potty in the picture. That will be my world in a few months!

Tiffani said...

I just LOVE that…. "I've been biking since I was 2…." UGH! HAHAHA!!! Ready for some more trashy tv :) :) :) and Pau Hanas (Pow - Ha - Na)?!