Friday, December 17, 2010

A little Christmas pillow talk...

With a tear in my eye and a warm glow in my heart- I had to post how much they girls have changed in 1 year! I can't get over it- they were so small and bald! They weren't even walking yet... now it feel like I try and get them to just walk instead of RUN... These chairs used to look so big, now we roll them around the house- because "we" are so big and strong! I highly recommend these Pottery Barn Kids chairs for any toddler child! WE LOVE THEM! Grammy and Pop Pop gave them to the girls last year I would however suggest getting them to semi match your living room (just a thought).... I didn't take my own advice, but I do LOVE our PINK WORLD!
Almost 2 year olds- wow- how time has really flown by and changed them too! I will say that when we brought home 2 preemies just a short 2 weeks after they were born- right at 4 lbs, I worried they would always be small or just a step behind (you hear horror stories people), but these 2 have caught up (as I also was told- by age 2 they would meet all neccessary bench marks- and we have 2 fold!) I am amazed at these two! I don't care if I ever get another Christmas present- these 2 have been the greatest gift of all in our lives! I love and cherish every second as your Mommy!
Every day is the BEST DAY with you two!
Random: I rat myself out on here all the time- so time to do the same to the hubs! The other night at about 3:45am I was awakened to a pillow being YANKED out from under my head- keep in mind I WAS asleep until this. I said "Ken- that was my pillow you just yanked out from under my head!" he said "No, yours fell off, your on mine." I told him it wasn't his and to check the floor on his side- so we both did-- HIS PILLOW was on HIS side on the floor. He very gently picked it up and pushed mine back over to me and rolled over to resume his slumber. By this point, I was wide awake... semi-mad... and the teacher in me reared its ugly head by me saying, "I'm sorry Erin for yanking your pillow out from under your head in the middle of the night." ken then said "sorry" and immediately fell asleep- I on the other hand lay ther... wide awake...
Thanks honey!

We both laughed and laughed at what happened the night before... the next day.


1 comment:

Lauren said...

I can't wait to see how much fun they have at Christmas!! The little baldies did so good last year--this year will be nuts! (btw-i never thought of them as bald at the time-just compared to now!! wow!)

this is the christmas mom keeps saying "just think about christmas, we'll have a 1 year old and two 2 year olds" and we all laugh----it's HERE!! CRAZY!!