Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A day in the life of...

Here is just a tiny taste of our day: Mattie and Hailey love books! They love to look themselves, they love to sit in your lap and be read to, they love to point to things on the page! As a teacher in another life- I love reading to them! Hailey is reading "Kiss, Kiss"- a cute book about animal mommy's kissing their babies.

Mattie enjoyed the story too!
On- to play ball...

Wait something doens't feel right? Lately, both Mattie and Hailey have learned to take their diapers off if they don't have pants on. I wish that was a sign for potty training- but it isn't... just a new challenge. :)

We LOVE LOVE LOVE to be outside and have the most fun with Daddy out there! Yesterday was priceless- Mattie and I were in the kitchen and she heard the front door open (Ken coming home from work) and she yelled "DADDY!" in the sweetest, loudest,most excited voice I have ever heard. It melted both Mommy and Daddy's heart!

Look at that little read face- it is hot here!

Playing with the wagon!

Dinnertime: look how messy we are! I can't complain though- the girls are usually great eaters!

Off to BATH TIME- a highlight of our day

I am loving every second of every day I get to be with these 2 precious little littles! They have had my heart from the first time I felt them kick! I am so proud to be your mommy!


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