Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

This year- I am inspired... inspired by the people around me, inspired by the city we live in, and inspired by the blessings that we are given daily! It is my goal this year to be a better wife to Ken, a better Mommy to Mattie and Hailey, a better sister and daughter, and a better friend to those around me. My number one resolution is: To BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT to OTHERS! I cannot tell you how many people have encouraged Ken and I the past few years and what a difference it has made to both of us! I want to ENCOURAGE daily!

Next, I want to be a healthier me. Don't get me wrong- I will still par-take in a donut or four, but overall, eat better... which goes hand in hand with...

#3- I plan to run 365 miles this year! That averages out to 1 a day- totally doable- right? RIGHT!
and finally I plan to run my 1st 1/2 marathon in February! Who knows, I may fall in love with it and do a few more this year... we'll see.

Happy New Year from all of us!

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